“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”- Albert Einstein

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Reflection

This class was a great experience for me. I think I improved substantially as a writer this year. Not only do I find myself revising my papers for English more than once, but in all my other classes as well. I see more grammatical and sentence structure mistakes more than I used to. I’ve also progressed in speaking to a group of people. While before this class I was a well spoken individual I feel a sense of extra confidence now while I speak my mind. I feel as if the words just flow out of my mind a lot better.
If I had to choose something that I liked most about the class it would most likely be the group work. I feel that sometimes we tend to hide in our shells. The group work forces everyone to go a little outside their comfort zone and meet new people. It’s especially important to me because for the most part all my other classes nobody speaks and it tends to be difficult to sit through class. I have met some really great people this year, and it’s all because of the class setting.
There is one thing that I will take away from this class and it’s the confidence of writing a good essay. I feel as if I now have the tools to write a perfect essay when I put effort in it. Corrections seem to be easier to recognize and appear to less frequent. Since beginning this class I see myself writing a better paper in general.

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